हा मेन्टॉरिंग प्रोग्राम कसा चालतो?
१. मेंटॉर/मेंटी ‘मेंटॉर युवा’ वेबसाईट वर प्रोफाइल तयार करतील.
२. ‘मेंटॉर युवा’ मेंटॉर आणि मेंटी यांच्या expertise आणि गरजेनुसार जोडून देईल.
३. मेंटॉर आणि मेंटी ला ई-मेल आणि/किंवा मेसेज द्वारे कळविण्यात येईल.
४. मेंटॉर आणि मेंटी एकमेकाला संपर्क करुन मेन्टॉरिंग चालू करतील.
How does this program work?
1. Mentor and mentee will create their profile on Mentor Yuva website.
2. Mentor Yuva will match the mentee with a suitable mentor based on professional expertise of the mentor and need of the mentee. It is our priority to match a mentor and a mentee who have a similar background including language they speak so that the mentee will be comfortable to interact with the mentor.
3. An email and/or text message will be sent to both mentors and mentees about the match and encouraged to initiate the conversation.
4. Matched mentor and mentee will connect with each other via text messages, phone call or email on their convenient time.
5. Enjoy an incredibly empowering journey of mentoring.